Benefits of Christian counseling in addiction recovery

Treating addiction at rehabs and getting therapy is good but not the only way to get rid of addiction. More so, not everyone needs such intensive care to treat their addiction. Some people might not even be financially capable to pay for sophisticated mental health care.

Churches have counseling units that look into addiction situations alongside other psychological issues.

Addiction is a disorder of the mind that swipes away the joy of people. Instead of wallowing in the detrimental effects of your addiction, you can visit a Christian counseling center to overcome your problem.

Christian counseling is with the belief that the power of God is capable of helping people out of any problem. Time and time again, the church of God has proven this by praying and working miracles.

Christian counseling offers both spiritual and psychological help for addicted people and helps them find a reason to keep going.

Check out some benefits of Christian counseling in addiction treatment:

Christian counseling offers complete healing

Regular addiction treatment centers take care of the physical, mental, and emotional effects of addiction. Only little emphasis is given to the life and purpose of the patient. Christian counseling brings people closer to God and helps them find purpose.

Christian counseling gives hope to the hopeless

There are cases of those that secular addiction centers turndown or are unable to fix their addiction problem. It is not about the money or reviews for Christian counseling.

It is genuinely about helping people get their lives back and leading them to God. People facing serious withdrawal symptoms and are confused about what to do should visit a Christian counseling center.

It is usually free

Christian counseling is usually free and happens to be more effective than most secular treatments. The premise is true because counselors here have given their lives to the work of God and are doing it out of service to God.

They offer after-session follow up

Christian counselors usually follow up on the recovery process of their patients even after their session. They advise them on how to live and usually take calls to counsel and pray for people struggling with addiction.

Christian counseling for mental health problems

Mental health problems are also known as mental health disorders. And they refer to mental health conditions that affect your behavior, thinking and disorders. Some common mental health illness are anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and the likes.

There are many people in the world with mental health problems who are not aware. They exhibit various behaviors that are peculiar of mental health problems and it affects their relationship with people around them.

Not everyone has the courage to go for diagnosis for mental health problems, but those who do are usually advised to opt in for counseling and treatment depending on their disorder.

For believers who are struggling with mental health problems, they have an unlimited access to counseling because they are in the church.

Christian counseling comes with a number of benefits for mental health problems. First off, the individual who has mental health problem could receive free diagnosis because there are Christian counselors in the church.

If it were to be a secular setting, the individual would have to pay for counseling sessions. When the individual is being diagnosed, the counselor would be able to tell the root cause of the mental health problem.

In addition, the counselor would create a treatment plan for the individual to restore their health to normalcy.

Christian counseling also helps the individual to have a smooth relationship with their family.

In the light of their mental health problem, there is a possibility that the relationship with their family has been strained. However, it is the responsibility of the Christian counselor to help smoothen their relationship.

Also, owing to the fact that people with mental health disorders need support during their treatment and counseling phase, the counselor helps to implement this.

To wrap it up, the Christian counselor helps to strengthen the faith of the individual. Dealing with mental health problems could be challenging and it could affect an individual’s relationship with God.

However, with Christian counseling, the individual would be able to maintain his stance and relationship with God.  

The essence of Christian counseling to addiction

Counseling is an important feature in addiction and it is vital for everyone struggling with addiction to undergo counseling.

The basic essence of counseling is to help both the counselor and the addict to have a good idea of the peculiarity of the addiction problem.

When the counselor understands the root cause of the individual’s addiction, it becomes easy for them to diagnose a specific treatment for them. It is imperative to mention that no two people can have the exact addiction problem even if it is the same type of addiction.

For believers who are addicted, they are in good hands because of the church.

The amazing part is, there are Christian counselors in the church who would offer counseling for free because they are one body in Christ. On the other hand, if the individual was to seek counseling elsewhere, they would have to pay.

Christian counseling is important to the addict in a number of ways. First off, the individual needs support especially emotional and mental support. An addict who does not receive support would most likely develop mental health problems in the long run.

Hence, when Christian counseling is in the picture, the individual’s mental health would be protected and they would be able to progress with the addiction treatment.

Also, Christian counseling is another avenue for the individual to get strengthened in the faith. The truth is, with addiction in the picture, there is a tendency for the individual’s faith to wane, owing to the fact that addiction draws the individual away from God.

However, with counseling the individual would be encouraged to draw closer to God and experience more of his love and faithfulness. The individual needs to be reminded that God’s love is readily available even to the sinner and he is willing to accept anyone who repents.

Lastly, Christians have an advantage because they belong to the body of Christ. The God-factor gives the believer an edge over those who don’t believe in him.


Christian counseling is different from secular counseling, although there are some similarities, there are still some distinguishing features which they possess, that is exclusive to them.

Secular counseling does not address the spiritual nature which we have. However, for Christian counseling it attends to our spiritual side.

One of the basic ways of identification, is coming to terms with the fact that we have a spiritual side.

Christian counseling provides a form of guidance for people to fully experience the spiritual element residing within them, alongside with other forms of psychological healing.

Experiencing the spiritual element within an individual is one of the biggest differences between secular and Christian counseling.

Making an attempt to recover from psychological and emotional damage, without the involvement of spiritual awareness, only affects the healing process.

An open access to spirituality, paves way for healing, and a host of other features of human dimension.

Christian counseling is hinged on spiritual recovery, and it teaches people to have a good understanding of their spiritual needs for the purpose of progressing towards a profound mental health.

God’s love needs to be introduced to people, as it is the most essential thing which a person can experience, which would be highly beneficial to their mental health.

The ultimate healer is God, and his love is sufficient for everyone. The understanding of God’s love is basic, but its method of understanding is quite different for everyone.

Once a person understands God’s love, and they receive it, their lives are changed forever. Christian counseling enables a person to be a recipient of God’s love, and transformation from within. 

Christian counselor is resilient on their relationship with the Lord. This happens because, spiritual guidance is offered to all clients.

Only a counselor who has a good understanding of Christian faith, is someone who can offer the necessary guidance. A licensed Christian counselor is highly educated, psychologically sound, emotionally balanced, and spiritually fit.

Christian counseling is the best choice for anyone who wants to break free from addiction, even though you are a Christian or not.


Christian counselling can also be referred to as Christian psychology and Biblical counselling, which basically integrates your faith with the principles of psychology, in order to step-up your mental health and relationships as well. This form of therapy uses the teachings from the Bible to assist you in combating the challenges which comes with life.

During the period of events which can be regarded as a challenging phase for an individual, having a profound faith could be what is not present in your life. The basic goal of Christian counselling, is to assist Christians in noticing certain behaviours which are not in line with the teachings of the Christian faith, so that they can be more receptive to the will of God.

Christian counsellors are of the belief that the Bible contains the necessary guide which dictates the thoughts pattern of a Christian, and their behavioural patterns as well.

Practicing Christian counselling is basically meant for psychologists who are either religious leaders, reverends, pastors and the likes. The aforementioned categories of people are those who should advisably practice Christian counselling.

Although, there are still some Christians who can still practice Christian counselling without having a degree in psychology. However, there is a need for the Christian to have a bachelor’s degree. A Christian counselling program is one which would train Christian counsellors on how to utilize the fundamental principles of the Bible during counselling sessions.

Christian counsellors have the basic goal of putting to practice principles which are faith-based, alongside with certain psychological instructions which would aid people in better managing and controlling any inherent issues in which is plaguing their lives.

Christian counselling aids in combatting marital problems, which would most likely occur in a home. If such problems are not addressed, it could have an adverse effect on the relationship. It also helps in fighting off parenting challenges. When it comes to raising children, it is not an easy task. Hence, there is a need to seek Christian counselling if possible.

Christian counselling also comes in handy for helping mental health conditions, and assisting someone to recover from Grief and Loss.

The Difference Christian Counseling Makes

christian counselingChristian counseling is unlike secular forms of counseling. Secular counseling does not address the spiritual nature that exists within every person. Some people may argue that they do not have a spiritual side, but according to the best psychologists, spirituality is one of the natural, primary ways humans identify themselves. Those who claim to have no spirituality are actually suffering mentally from repressing their spirituality. Christian counseling leads people through the spiritual element of emotional and psychological healing, as well as introducing them to God’s love through someone who is already secure in it.

Allowing for the spiritual element of healing makes a huge difference in counseling. Trying to recover from emotional and psychological damage without any spiritual awareness is only inhibiting the healing process. Being open to spirituality allows for healing within a whole other human dimension, and it aids the healing process immensely. Christian counseling is centered around spiritual recovery, and can teach people to understand their own spiritual needs in order to progress towards good mental health.

An introduction to God’s love is the most valuable thing a person can encounter for their mental health. God’s love is the ultimate healer of wounds. His love is what we crave above all other cravings. Coming to understand God’s love is a different process for everyone. Some people connect to it automatically while others need to approach it slowly in order to receive it. But once a person receives it, their lives are changed for the better forever. Christian counseling will enable a person to receive God’s love and transform from the inside out.

A Christian counselor is firm in their relationship with the Lord. This is important because the will offer spiritual guidance to their client. A counselor does not offer Christian counseling unless they are fully committed to their Christian faith. Someone trying out Christian counseling can feel secure that they are receiving spiritual guidance from a sound mind. A licensed counselor who is also a Christian is highly educated, emotionally intelligent, psychologically literate and spiritually whole.

Christian Counseling for Addiction and Substance Abuse

christian counseling addiction substance abuseIf you are considering Christian counseling and secular counseling for addiction and substance abuse, and you do not know which one to choose, do not be afraid to try Christian counseling. There are elements of Christian counseling for addiction and substance abuse that make Christian counseling a unique, invaluable experience. People are familiar with the value of “surrendering to a higher power” when recovering from addiction. That is part of the Twelve Steps addiction recovery plan. Christian counseling teaches a person this kind of surrender, as well as many other tools and gems of hope that will enable your recovery.

Christian counseling teaches a person how to connect to their humility. Christian philosophy values humility as a way of living in truth. Incidentally, humility is an essential quality one must possess in order to combat addiction. Addiction thrives in the spirit of control and pride. These spiritual states do not allow themselves to be checked against our better natures or logic. But humility, which can be taught through cognitive behavioral practices and spiritual guidance, always checks itself and examines itself for truth.

Christian counseling can also teach a person selflessness – another strong Christian value. Selflessness is essential to being a true Christian, and it is essential to recovering from addiction and substance abuse. When someone is addicted or abusing a substance, their motives are always selfish. It is impossible to be selfless when your primary focus is to achieve pleasure for yourself at any cost. But submitting to selflessness will give you eyes to see what has been in front of you all along: the chaos and destruction your addiction and substance abuse causes, not only to yourself, but to those you love. Understanding this will fill you with the desire to live differently.

And lastly, Christian counseling will teach you the necessary virtue of hope, which plays an important part in your recovery fro addiction and substance abuse. Only through hope can you believe that you are destined for better things. Only through hope can you believe in your own potential and see your strengths as your true character. And only through hope can you believe in a better life for yourself and your loved ones. The basis of Christianity is placing hope in God’s love and His word, and through Christian counseling, you will discover this hope living in your own heart.

Christian Addiction Treatment in Florida

florida christianThe party atmosphere that a vacation destination such as Florida inspires is fraught with addiction problems. Addiction is the underbelly of any such destination, though it is seldom talked about. Many people in the state of Florida struggle with alcohol, drug, sex and gambling addiction and are desperately seeking a way out.

Christian drug addiction treatment has been proven one of the most successful ways of helping people move on from their addiction problems. For some, it is the comfort of reawakening beliefs they have held since they were young; for others, it is the absolute peace of hearing God’s word of love for the first time. However Christian addiction speaks to a person, it speaks effectively.

Many are not aware that Florida, despite its party atmosphere, has a vibrant, caring Christian community living within it, and boasts several world class Christian addiction treatment centers for locals and those who are out of state. Those struggling with addiction can come to Florida to heal through its immensely beautiful natural scenery and its reputable Christian addiction treatment centers, which are offered in all price ranges.

The only true way to heal addiction is through healing the spirit, and the only true way to heal the spirit is through Christ’s love. Addiction is many things, but above all else addiction is brokenness which can only be repaired through the love and forgiveness of God. In a place like Florida where addiction is allowed to run rampant, God’s healing power can be found in the form of Christian addiction treatment.

Christian Counseling in Florida

christian counselingOne can think of the Florida lifestyle as the representation of our modern, self-serving culture. We are conditioned to believe that the best thing we can do for ourselves is make a lot of money, own expensive property and live a carefree lifestyle of parties and recreation. However, there are Florida residents who know there is much more to life than this, and may be seeking for answers to questions such as “What is my purpose on this earth?” and “How can I change my life for the better?”

Unbeknownst to many, there is compassionate, intelligent Christian counseling available in Florida for any budget and any circumstance. Christian counseling can offer answers to life’s greatest questions, as well as heal relationships, addiction problems, past emotional scars and more. There are many who are already familiar with God’s incredible promise of hope and life after death, and there are many who have not yet heard this good news but are seeking for it. Both will be met by the Christian counseling services of Florida.

The foundation of Christian counseling is found in the bible. When God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, he redeemed and forgave the world of its sin and offered a new life for all those who accept Jesus into their hearts. Christians have spread this word through out the world, and many psychologists who embrace the Christian faith are available to share it with anyone who is interested in hearing it.

The world will tell you we are here to seek the selfish fulfillment of yachts and caviar and parties, but in truth, we are here to serve a much greater purpose. We are here to love on another and serve on another unselfishly, and you can take a step toward achieving this life of peace by entering into Christian counseling. If you are in Florida and you are seeking counseling for your relationships, personal matters or life circumstances, you will find help in abundance through the professional services of Christian counselors.

Addiction in Florida

addiction floridaFlorida is known for its tourist destinations: Disney World, the Everglades, Miami Beach and Margaritaville. But a less talked about Florida trend is its addiction statistics, which have been on the rise since 2009. Florida’s leisurely qualities, vacation accommodations, liberal law enforcement and wealth make it a breeding ground for addiction and substance abuse problems.

The picturesque sunsets and pristine beaches of Florida make it easy to see why people come travel there the world over to relax. The climate is temperate and there is plenty of sunshine. Florida is essentially a vacation and tourism driven economy, which attracts travelers, partiers and snowbirds who are supplied ample amounts of any intoxicating substance or activity they choose to enjoy. Because all the vices of a carefree lifestyle are so readily available, those who stay there for an extended period of time cannot escape it, and many fall victim to addiction.

Florida also has a reputation for having loose law enforcement, which lets the availability of said substances thrive. The State of Florida is sometimes accused of not penalizing or targeting drug dealers and suppliers, but rather turning a blind eye and letting the party atmosphere run rampant and out of control. This negligence on the part of the state’s law enforcement division contributes to the problem of addiction by not keeping better regulations on addictive substances.

Addiction is found in every state and nation state on the planet; Florida is hardly alone in its addiction statistics. But universally, the best thing we can do to help a culture that is afflicted with addiction is to carefully regulate or outlaw addictive substances and activities, make information on addiction readly available and offer addiction treatment services to those who struggle with this condition. Florida should be known for its natural beauty and its therapeutic atmosphere, not for its addiction epidemic.

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