Christian counseling is different from secular counseling, although there are some similarities, there are still some distinguishing features which they possess, that is exclusive to them.
Secular counseling does not address the spiritual nature which we have. However, for Christian counseling it attends to our spiritual side.
One of the basic ways of identification, is coming to terms with the fact that we have a spiritual side.
Christian counseling provides a form of guidance for people to fully experience the spiritual element residing within them, alongside with other forms of psychological healing.
Experiencing the spiritual element within an individual is one of the biggest differences between secular and Christian counseling.

Making an attempt to recover from psychological and emotional damage, without the involvement of spiritual awareness, only affects the healing process.
An open access to spirituality, paves way for healing, and a host of other features of human dimension.
Christian counseling is hinged on spiritual recovery, and it teaches people to have a good understanding of their spiritual needs for the purpose of progressing towards a profound mental health.
God’s love needs to be introduced to people, as it is the most essential thing which a person can experience, which would be highly beneficial to their mental health.
The ultimate healer is God, and his love is sufficient for everyone. The understanding of God’s love is basic, but its method of understanding is quite different for everyone.
Once a person understands God’s love, and they receive it, their lives are changed forever. Christian counseling enables a person to be a recipient of God’s love, and transformation from within.
Christian counselor is resilient on their relationship with the Lord. This happens because, spiritual guidance is offered to all clients.
Only a counselor who has a good understanding of Christian faith, is someone who can offer the necessary guidance. A licensed Christian counselor is highly educated, psychologically sound, emotionally balanced, and spiritually fit.
Christian counseling is the best choice for anyone who wants to break free from addiction, even though you are a Christian or not.
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