The essence of Christian counseling to addiction
Counseling is an important feature in addiction and it is vital for everyone struggling with addiction to undergo counseling.
The basic essence of counseling is to help both the counselor and the addict to have a good idea of the peculiarity of the addiction problem.
When the counselor understands the root cause of the individual’s addiction, it becomes easy for them to diagnose a specific treatment for them. It is imperative to mention that no two people can have the exact addiction problem even if it is the same type of addiction.
For believers who are addicted, they are in good hands because of the church.
The amazing part is, there are Christian counselors in the church who would offer counseling for free because they are one body in Christ. On the other hand, if the individual was to seek counseling elsewhere, they would have to pay.

Christian counseling is important to the addict in a number of ways. First off, the individual needs support especially emotional and mental support. An addict who does not receive support would most likely develop mental health problems in the long run.
Hence, when Christian counseling is in the picture, the individual’s mental health would be protected and they would be able to progress with the addiction treatment.
Also, Christian counseling is another avenue for the individual to get strengthened in the faith. The truth is, with addiction in the picture, there is a tendency for the individual’s faith to wane, owing to the fact that addiction draws the individual away from God.
However, with counseling the individual would be encouraged to draw closer to God and experience more of his love and faithfulness. The individual needs to be reminded that God’s love is readily available even to the sinner and he is willing to accept anyone who repents.
Lastly, Christians have an advantage because they belong to the body of Christ. The God-factor gives the believer an edge over those who don’t believe in him.
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