Substance Abuse in Florida

substance abuseOf all the states in the United States of America, Florida ranks near the top when it comes to substance abuse problems. Florida’s tropical natural beauty attracts money and tourism from around the globe, making it a prominent recreation destination. But anywhere that vacation accomodations are found, addictive substances are found as well, and Florida supplies them in abundance.

Alcohol is obviously the most readily available substance in Florida because it is legal. Florida has an enormous bar scene, particularly near the coastline, serving everything from sugary tropical drinks to highballs made of hard liquor. Florida has been criticized in the news for not having harsh enough DUI penalties and for turning a blind eye on celebrities and high-profile figures criminal alcohol abuse. Whether or not this particular accusation is true, it is very clear that alcohol is celebrated more openly in Florida than in other states.

The availability of cocaine is also very prevalent in Florida. Known as the “rich man’s drug,” cocaine can be found in abundance in every major Florida city due to the enormous wealth and celebrity status that is found in its demographics. Another criticism of Florida’s law enforcement division is that it does not do enough to prohibit the sale of illegal street drugs and possibly even endorses the sale of cocaine and other illegal substances behind closed doors.

And lastly, another common addictive substance available throughout Florida is MDMA, or ecstasy. It is no surprise that Florida residents have a weakness for this drug as it is known as the ultimate dance party drug, and Florida has more dance clubs than any other state. Anywhere that has a young vacation demographic will be teeming with MDMA and ecstasy, which can be very dangerous considering that people die from poorly compounded ecstasy tablets.

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