Christian Counseling for Addiction and Substance Abuse

christian counseling addiction substance abuseIf you are considering Christian counseling and secular counseling for addiction and substance abuse, and you do not know which one to choose, do not be afraid to try Christian counseling. There are elements of Christian counseling for addiction and substance abuse that make Christian counseling a unique, invaluable experience. People are familiar with the value of “surrendering to a higher power” when recovering from addiction. That is part of the Twelve Steps addiction recovery plan. Christian counseling teaches a person this kind of surrender, as well as many other tools and gems of hope that will enable your recovery.

Christian counseling teaches a person how to connect to their humility. Christian philosophy values humility as a way of living in truth. Incidentally, humility is an essential quality one must possess in order to combat addiction. Addiction thrives in the spirit of control and pride. These spiritual states do not allow themselves to be checked against our better natures or logic. But humility, which can be taught through cognitive behavioral practices and spiritual guidance, always checks itself and examines itself for truth.

Christian counseling can also teach a person selflessness – another strong Christian value. Selflessness is essential to being a true Christian, and it is essential to recovering from addiction and substance abuse. When someone is addicted or abusing a substance, their motives are always selfish. It is impossible to be selfless when your primary focus is to achieve pleasure for yourself at any cost. But submitting to selflessness will give you eyes to see what has been in front of you all along: the chaos and destruction your addiction and substance abuse causes, not only to yourself, but to those you love. Understanding this will fill you with the desire to live differently.

And lastly, Christian counseling will teach you the necessary virtue of hope, which plays an important part in your recovery fro addiction and substance abuse. Only through hope can you believe that you are destined for better things. Only through hope can you believe in your own potential and see your strengths as your true character. And only through hope can you believe in a better life for yourself and your loved ones. The basis of Christianity is placing hope in God’s love and His word, and through Christian counseling, you will discover this hope living in your own heart.

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